Many need this …

AARP has classes for digital literacy. We take for granted skills that would be lifechanging to those who don’t have them.

This is especially problematic when people who didn’t need literacy in their profession may not have any now that they are retired, and then get involved in community projects and organizations. They are often TWO GENERATIONS behind the people around them and are expected to communicate and collaborate using today’s media technology. It causes so much unnecessary work for the people around them, and sometimes — if they are in charge of communication or PR — they can’t do their job at all, or even know they aren’t doing their job. Simple requests become “I don’t know how to do that” when everyone else in the room can. And even if they are simply a team member, they can’t be in the loop or require additional means just for them to be notified of what’s going on. ONE person on such a team can DOUBLE to work to communicate.

The upshot: (1) Don’t be that person; (2) Don’t let other people be that person. Help is available.