Domain Registry Of America / Liberty Names of America

As I’ve warned customers in the past, DO NOT make a payment to renew your domain name through the Domain Registry of America, or ANYONE ELSE for that matter. The letter you received is trying to get you to switch services to them, NOT a bill to protect you from losing your domain name. They are not your provider, but you may mistakenly think they are.

They are under investigation by the FTC and have lost a couple of court battles over this practice of theirs.

A letter I just emailed their sales staff:

Listen up you Scam-holes:

One of my clients (a LAW PROFESSIONAL’S ORGANIZATION) almost switched to you by mistake, until I alerted them to your scam.* I used to getting your crap in my PO Box, but tired of you targeting my clients.* Your bull about not intentionally scamming obviously doesn’t hold water when reasonable people (under definition of law) are misled.

I will be posting information on your scam shortly on our consumer education site,, and there’s not a damn thing you’re going to do about it.* Consider yourself served.

Ken Stuczynski
Owner / Lead Web Developer

(716) 8xx-1329 / Toll Free 1-866-854-1923
/ PO Box 90, West Seneca, NY 14224 USA

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